
Welcome to Dino World : a dinosaur-themed roll and write

Created by Caezar and Kuly from Alley Cat Games

Draw, Roar, Score! Take control of competing dinosaur theme parks in this medium weight roll and write game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Welcome to DinoWorld shipped!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 23, 2019 at 03:02:30 AM

We've just shipped all NON-UK orders!

After shipping domestic (UK) orders last week, we've now shipped all international (non-UK) orders. All of you in North America, Europe, Australasia and beyond will be getting your games shortly! 

Estimated timeframes:

EU arrival: 27th May - 10th June
USA/Canada/Australasia Arrival: 29th May - 17th June
ROW arrival: 29th May - 8th July

Please do not message us until the end of those dates for your region, as we will not check them until then. This is due to the fact that Royal Mail, and then passing them onto your local couriers can in rare occasions take longer than expected. For instance when we fulfilled the pocket games last year, we had a fair number of late arrivals (than usual) especially in Canada.

Add ons

Those who ordered add-ons will likely receive their order in TWO PACKAGES. This is due to a logistical error on our end, so if you receive only half or part of your order, please DO NOT message us telling us, we will tell you the same thing; that the other part of your order should come separately afterwards.

On the flip side, we had a few UK backers tell us we had sent an extra game by accident. If that is the case (anywhere in the world), please message us and we will ask you to donate it/send it on to someone else, with cost reimbursement and our gratitude forever!


Soon you'll all be drawing amazing dinosaur parks - make sure you share them with us on social media. We're on Twitter and Instagram @AlleyCatGames so make sure you tag us with all your roarsome DinoWorlds! 

Until then, thanks for your continued support

- The ACG Team

Let the fulfilment commence!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 14, 2019 at 09:36:34 PM

Welcome to DinoWorld has arrived at ACG HQ!

Welcome to DinoWorld arrives at ACH HQ
Welcome to DinoWorld arrives at ACH HQ

That's right, the day is here where we start shipping your games to you. Last week we pulled off all of the backer details from Backerkit and we're going to start fulfilment this week! Our Schedule looks a bit like this:

14 May - Receive games, unload, print shipping labels

14 - 15/16th May - Packing and sorting games for domestic shipping (UK)

15th/16th May - Send all domestic orders (UK)

15/16th - 26 May - Packing and sorting games for international shipping (Outside of UK)

26 May - Send all international orders (Outside of UK)

Our domestic and international orders have to be packed and shipped separately so we're doing the UK orders to get them out of the way as there's going to be less of them. Then we'll focus on international orders!

As you can see, we've already begun the packing!

The games ready to be packed
The games ready to be packed
These are all ready to go!
These are all ready to go!

So, barring any T-Rex attacks all of your games will be winging their way to you (via pterodactyl of course) by the end of this month. We'll post another update when we've sent the last batch.

Until then, thanks for your continued support.

The ACG Team

Good news! Files confirmed - printing begins!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 02:58:05 AM

Apologies in the delay to this update, we've been really bust in the background trying to finish off Welcome to Dinoworld, as well as obviously running the campaigns for Coral Islands and Chocolate Factory.

Printing status:

We had a little issue with the format of some of the files but this has now been resolved and we were sent the final printing proofs for the cards last week. We’ve checked them over and confirmed with the manufacturer! Printing is imminent and we’re still on track for fulfilment to begin mid-May. This is due to the fact that manufacturing will start at the end of April/early May, will take a week to assemble/complete and will only take 2-3 days to reach us here at ACG HQ in the UK from the Netherlands! The beauty of printing in Europe :)

Pledge Manager

Pledge manager has been open for a while now and we have 91% completion. We’re scheduled to lock orders this week so if you want to add any last minute add-ons now’s the time to do so! If you haven’t completed the pledge manager please check your email spam folder for an invite - reminder emails have been sent! If you haven't done so the link is here:

IMPORTANTLY: If you do not submit your survey on time you risk having your game severely delayed, or not sent to you at all (for instance if the survey is sent months late, and we have run out of stock!)

Final rulebook

The final rulebook is up on BGG! You can read it here:

Other ACG news

We’re also working to complete the files for Coral Islands and Chocolate Factory, which are still available to pre-order via our website, as well as preparing for some other upcoming projects. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for information as it comes out but here's an update of what's going on at ACG right now:

- Simon, Caezar and everyone at Alley Cat Games

Pledge Manager going live very soon!
about 5 years ago – Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 01:43:31 AM

Final Files!

We are submitting the final files to the manufacturer this weeked! There will then be some back and forth regarding some formatting but we don't anticipate this to drag out for more than 3-5 days. This means we are still on schedule!

Pledge Manager

We are in the process of finalising the pledge manager today! Initially some people will be sent a test survey, and if everything checks out well there, we will send the survey to everyone else shortly afterwards.

As far as I understand, for any add-ons you add at the pledge manager, you will NOT be charged, until late March/early April, so if you are still recovering from Christmas like I am, hopefully that will help the wallet!

Chocolate Factory

Our blockbuster game Chocolate Factory - a medium weight euro with a physical conveyer belt and wooden chocolate pieces, launches next week and you can join the event for its launch (and enter a competition to win a copy of Dice Hospital or Teotihuacan!) here:

Until next week, bye for now!

Caezar and the Alley Cat Games team

Quick update and Coral Islands ending today!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 05, 2019 at 08:44:12 PM

Coral Islands ending today!

You may or may not have seen our current Kickstarter campaign for Coral Islands is ending today! For those who haven't seen it before, it is 2 dice stacking games in 1 box, with art by Photosynthesis, Dice Hospital and Welcome to Dinoworld artist: Sabrina Miramon! It also includes 72 dice that are a huge 16mm! All for a low price of £25/$31!

Ending today!
Ending today!

Pledge Manager

As Simon has pointed out in the comments today, the pledge manager has been slightly delayed, apologies for that! We will be getting that done ASAP. Hopefully no later than next week.

Where are we at with WTDW production?

As you will see in the graphic below, we are getting started with manufacturing. The rulebook is practically complete, minus a few last minute checks, as well as the cards etc. The player sheets are done. So hopefully we can have digital proofs as early as next week, to start production either next week, or the following week. This makes us on track for our original target! It is our first time printing in Europe so we are looking forward to speediness this will bring with it. Once the files are complete, we will be uploading the rulebook for all to enjoy.

ACG progress chart
ACG progress chart

For now, bye from Caezar and the Alley Cat Games team